Featured Courses
Improve Your Mental, Physical & Emotional Life Today
90 Minutes & 2 Worksheets (Anxiety & Stress)
Course Focus
3 Key Tools/Tips that will immediately help you stress less and accomplish more. Making you happier and more productive.
The 4 Steps Blueprint to achieve emotional stability and resilience. Moving your nervous system back into solace and homeostasis.
The power of your subconscious narratives and why you need to reframe some and remove others. Helping you end your negative intrusive thoughts.
The importance of re-installing V.A.L.U.E.S. the process that allows you to become empowered. Values ground you allowing you to become centered and focused.
· HTL’s top-down bottom-up approach to stress management; A more superior way to move you out of stress and chaos into calm and clarity.
Special Introductory Price $388 limited time
13 Lesson Syllabus, 1 Quiz & 1 Workbook
Course Focus
The #1 cause behind your stress. Learning how you develop the EGO, false and limiting beliefs that don’t support life so you can eliminate them.
The Vagus Nerve; Your Mind/Body connection otherwise known as your communication highway that is 80/20… not in a good way. This is the reason your mind and body are in opposition.
The childhood event that leads to your lack and inadequacy. Why 80% of the global population suffers from some version of ‘NOT GOOD ENOUGH’ narrative.
The hidden formula behind your suffering and negative self-talk. The main driver behind your thought patterns that are holding you back.
The Triune Brain, the drivers of your fight or flight, memories of suffering which tend to limit your level of consciousness.
Learning this knowledge will help you start to take agency over your life and become emotionally stable, focused and more productive.
Special Introductory Price $888 limited time
29 Lesson Syllabus & 3 Worksheets
Course Focus
The 7 critical steps to Self-Mastery and how to apply them. This is how you start to thrive in a world that continues to cultivate a highly competitive environment where most end up surviving.
The 5 Guaranteed Ways to Financial Success. This is the secret proven formula that guarantees FINANCIAL success only. You’ll learn despite what we’re taught, it’s not the most important objective.
The #1 reason why you’re stuck and the solution to fixing what affects 80% of the global population. Fixing this issue moves you into the 8% of humanity that thrives and lives a 10x life.
The true sequence to acquiring love and the true definition of success. The two things that elude most individuals. We provide the hidden blueprints to acquire both. But it’s not what you think, but it’s what you need to know to achieve both.
The 5 Key Principles of Life. This allows you to take agency over your life to design the life you’re meant to live.
The 5 Capitals that affect your quality of life. You’ll learn which ones are the most important that impact our ability to live long, healthy happy lives.
Special Introductory Price $1,188 limited time
48 Lesson Syllabus, 1 Quiz, 1 Workbook, 1 Outside Sourcebook
Course Focus
The flaw of the human psyche that causes your mental discord. You’ll learn this is a global issue not an individual problem. Step 1 allows you to remove impediments to eradicate what we call the conditioned mind.
The sequence that moves you and most of the global population from LOVE into FEAR, Stress, and chaos. Understanding this process of crossing over and adapting as a coping strategy allows you to reverse the process to heal back into self and stability. Step 2 allows you to cultivate a healthy mind to remove FEAR, SCARCITY & SHAME.
The reason you have NEGATIVE THOUGHTS; the disempowering emotions and frequencies that don’t support life. Knowing this allows you to focus only on the empowering emotions that influence your behavior and the outcomes you seek. Step 3 allows you to start to live wholeheartedly and FREE. Free of stress, chaos and fear.
The keys to emotional stability and resilience. Knowing the 2 things that govern our internal state. Step 4 allows you to set boundaries to implement the healthy environments that allow you to self-actualize. This is how you become both mentally and physically stable, moving into calm and clarity.
Special Introductory Price $388 limited time
5 Long Lessons Syllabus, 1 Workbook & 2 Worksheets
Course Focus
Several impediments to LOVE including 4 key ones. You’ll discover the mnemonic H.E.A.T. which stands for Hope, Expectation, Acceptance, & Trust, which all need to be right-sized in order acquire real love.
Hope has two energies. Hope springs eternal, but as soon as hope is lost, it also springs anger and rage.
Our expectations are usually unreasonable. You’ll discover the 3 journeys of love and the 3 loves we’re meant to have to re-set expectations.
Acceptance around trauma bonds that block authentic love. You’ll discover the 2 key factors around acceptance that’s needed to acquire and maintain real love.
The 4 levels of trust that support LOVE. You’ll discover how the imagination forms biases that cause us to lose trust and how we falsely belief trust is all or nothing. There are 4 levels of trust.
Special Introductory Price $388 limited time
14 Lesson Syllabus & 1 Workbook
Course Focus
The 5 Guaranteed Ways to Financial Success. This is the secret proven formula that guarantees FINANCIAL success only. You’ll learn despite what we’re taught, it’s not the most important objective.
The main impediments to SUCCESS. One is our inability to receive healthy feedback that leads to our number one fear. The fear of REJECTION.
The #1 reason why you’re stuck and the solution to fixing what affects 80% of the global population. Fixing this issue moves you into the 8% of humanity that thrives and lives a 10x life.
The 5 Key Principles of Life. This allows you to take agency over your life to design the life you’re meant to live.
The 5 Capitals that affect your quality of life. You’ll learn which ones are the most important that impact our ability to live long, healthy happy lives.
FREE for limited time
$9.99 value
How to Achieve Mental, Physical & Emotional Harmony
Course Focus
3 Effective ANGER management tools. You’ll learn how to give yourself permission to feel and express your feelings. You’ll learn how to unpack those feelings to get to the root narrative that’s driving the behavior.
Key Confidence Building Tools. You’ll learn the important cycle of confidence and how to activate it as well as effective strategies to build and maintain it.
3 Proven Motivational Tools. You’ll become aware of the hidden connection between confidence and motivation so you can effectively overcome procrastination and always push through the 3 friction points that hold you back from achieving your goals.
FREE for limited time
$9.99 value
How to Find Your Soulmate
Course Focus
The hidden beliefs that you’ve picked up along the way when you were wounded by love. You’ll become aware of the hidden narratives around your wounds that you’re continuing to tell yourself that are NOW driving your dating strategies.
The unmet needs that influence you to find familiarity, not true love. This is a blind spot for most as they belief this is fate and destiny, but it’s really your subconscious overriding your consciousness, so emotions are trumping logic.
The arrested development that plagues society’s ability to move forward. You’ll learn many people are emotionally frozen, so they can only communicate to their level of awareness and behave to the level of their healed emotional trauma which hinders connection.