Meet E.L. Brooks

Hi I’m EL Brooks and I’m the co- founder of Help To Love LLC and the co-creator and curator of the Manifesto To Happiness Series ™ I’m currently enjoying a purposed filled life and have been experiencing INNER PEACE for nearly 5 years after seeking it for more than 5 decades. I’m a serial entrepreneur that has achieved the American dream; being a millionaire at age 30 and a multi-millionaire at age 40 but, despite my financial accomplishment and achievements having founded 2 8 figure companies, and having developed and run a 9 figure division for Virgin Music Group, I was never fulfilled and really never present. Those days seem like a blur to me compared to how I show up today because of the new lens and outlook I now have. Those days I didn’t feel worthy, because I suffered from that popular Not GOOD ENOUGH narrative that saw me eventually lose my family, fortune, and confidence as I self sabotaged and began to unravel. All because of my unidentified, unresolved emotional trauma that was re-triggered after lying dormant for decades.

But there’s obviously a happy ending to this story as you will learn our struggles and pain ALWAYS have purpose, and that purpose is for us to align so we can live our purpose. That’s what happened to me. My transformation was the result of my separation. Specifically, the day I moved out and left my wife at the time and my two boys on October 18th 2016. That action sent me into a deep state of depression on that never-ending lonely night that ultimately led me to ask two simple questions a loud;

  1. How did I get here?
  2. How do I get out of this emotional state and never return here again?

Those two questions would trigger a spiritual encounter that would ultimately answer what would turn out to be my primary question in life which was how to attain INNER PEACE. Unknowingly, that night would profoundly change the trajectory of my life.

I’ve always been fascinated in what makes us tick as humans, so I’ve always dabbled in psychology, but that encounter introduced me to the world of Trauma research that immediately sent me into learning the ways of healing. I didn’t even know I had emotional trauma. I was naïve and blind to what emotional trauma was like most of us, but I would learn it was the reason I was surviving, not really living and as a result the reason I was never fulfilled. This led to the discovery of my abandonment linage on my father’s side that I was perpetuating but vowed to put an end to which led to my healing.

I was committed to becoming a TRANSITIONAL CHARACTER to change my course in life to set my two boys up for success to expose them to the TRUTH about emotional instability. That commitment led to my physical and mental breakthrough on October 16th 2018, almost 2 years to the date of my spiritual encounter. I journaled the entire process and although I now know the ways to heal, my encounter exposed the truth about our natural infinite intelligence that I could not ignore. When you’ve been touched by the Universe (which is PURE LOVE) it unlocks the truth about so many things, but I like others I’ve spoken to that have had similar encounters, are unable to articulate what we unlock. Through the encounter, you just seem to know what is TRUTH, you’re reminded what our default setting is which is LOVE and that everything else is just our resistance to it. I was again moved, or summoned to do more research almost as if I were a vessel carrying out the wishes of some infinite source.

So as an entrepreneur, and more importantly now a seeker of Universal life codes, I had to discover more about our universal connection and how and why we depart from our natural intelligence. Somehow I just knew that this knowledge would really bring context to the healing process for more rapid and sustainable results. This gave birth to Help to Love LLC and The Manifesto To Happiness Series™. This curriculum is meant to accelerate and flatten the learning curve for those who enroll. It’s the Blueprint to reach INNER PEACE to realize the power of LOVE that gives us the ability to align with our TRUTH to follow our BLISS. This is how you achieved emotional stability and resilience.